De kracht van branded content

In de dynamische wereld van marketing en reclame speelt branded content een steeds grotere rol. In dit artikel lichten we toe wat branded content is en waarom het zo effectief lijkt te zijn, en hoe bedrijven branded content kunnen inzetten om hun merk te versterken. Daarnaast kijken we naar trends en innovaties. Wat is Branded […]
Voorbij de Swimmer’s Body Illusion: een verleidelijke valkuil in marketing

De Swimmer’s Body Illusion is een krachtige, cognitieve denkfout die consumenten én marketeers misleidt. De denkfout dankt zijn naam aan de misvatting dat professionele zwemmers hun atletische lichaamsbouw puur te danken hebben aan het zwemmen. In werkelijkheid maken hun natuurlijke fysieke eigenschappen hen juist geschikt voor de zwemsport. Deze illusie laat zich veelvuldig zien in […]
STROOM Wins DierenLot pitch

For 12 years (!) DierenLot Foundation has been a client of former M2Media, now STROOM. And they stay that way!After an intensive pitch with 5 competitor agencies it was decided to continue the cooperation. STROOM will continue to provide the media strategy, planning and purchasing for DierenLot with great enthusiasm. In addition, STROOM will also support DierenLot more with their data-driven [...]
STROOM introduces: Maud van Polanen

We would like to introduce our colleagues to you. In this interview you'll get to know Maud, Project Manager in Amsterdam. Who are you and where are you from? My name is Maud and I grew up in Breukelen, the nicest village in the Netherlands. I had a great childhood here and still enjoy my [...]
Matthijs Kloezeman in FONK Magazine: Rotterdam at its best!

In the latest FONK Magazine you can read a contribution from Matthijs Kloezeman. In this issue, which is entirely devoted to the city of Rotterdam, Mathijs shares his view of what makes Rotterdam so special. With a background in marketing and a deep-rooted love for the city on the Maas, Matthijs can articulate like no other why Rotterdam is just that little bit different. From the undeniable drive [...]
STROOM introduces: Jessie Otte

We would like to introduce our colleagues to you. In this interview you will get to know Jessie, Mediacommerce Consultant in Amsterdam. Who are you and where are you from? I'm Jessie Otte, born in Haarlem, raised in Amstelveen and living in Amsterdam. I grew up quietly in Amstelveen, but I did always have a strong desire [...]
STROOM and Rijksmuseum set to conquer Dutch market

After an intensive pitch process, the Rijksmuseum selected media and performance agency STROOM to help the museum further implement a new media and campaign strategy. The main focus is to strengthen the connection with national (repeat) visitors. For everyone The Rijksmuseum belongs to and is for everyone. As the national museum of the Netherlands [...]
STROOM At DPG Grow Event

Thursday, June 29, was the DPG Grow Event in Haarlem. An inspiring afternoon with many topics and many speakers. STROOM was asked for a round table discussion on BtoB marketing. Led by Robert van den Ham (Editor in chief of the Entrepreneur), Martijn Jaarstveld (Startegy Director STROOM), Gelise Bouma (Senior Marketing Manager Benelux Pleo) and Patrick van Weert (Proposition Marketer ANWB Zakelijk) sat down with [...]
SIRE and GGN win SAN!

SIRE (Stichting Ideële Reclame) and GGN (debt collection agency) won a SAN accent. SIRE won an award for its "Death Eaters" campaign and GGN for its "Social Debt Collection Delivers More" campaign. SIRE's dooddoeners campaign succeeded in making death a topic of conversation. The call not to talk about death [...]
Building brands more important than ever

If companies want to grow, they must look at the market in a different way than before. A strong brand is essential to this. The experience at the team at STROOM, which combines specialist knowledge of media with attention to marketing communications, matches this. 'Energy for growth,' is the motto of STROOM, media agency and partner in communications.The [...]