
Mediacommerce is a customized solution that allows us to break through our clients' growth ceiling.Our unique data-driven approach makes media investments fully accountable, with business results leading the way.

Performance plateau

One way to visualize this is the performance plateau (Kite&Roach 2019). With this model, you can see the effects of performance marketing and branding, especially the effects of both disciplines on each other. With our method (Mediacommerce) we actually put the theory into practice. Many (e-commerce) parties seem to be addicted to short-term performance.

A lot of growth has been possible in a relatively short time at low investment, or favorable ROAS. But sooner or later everyone encounters the performance plateau.

E-commerce players, just as much as parties that depend on physical sales.
That plateau is the moment when you can't get more demand to convert than there is demand. That is the moment when brands often start investing in branding, when in fact you want to get ahead of this moment. With this, you realize a preference position that will lead to simply better click and conversion rates and therefore more efficiency in your performance layer.

For each brand, the optimal balance between branding and performance is different.

How Mediacommerce works

With our method, Mediacommerce, we actually put the theory of
the performance plateau into practice. We help companies not only focus on short-term results, but also strategically invest in branding for sustainable growth. Our data-driven approach ensures that every media investment is justified and contributes to business results.

The unique approach of

At STROOM , we believe that growth does not stop at reaching the performance plateau. Our custom solution Mediacommerce helps brands break through this barrier through a smart combination of branding and performance marketing. Using data analytics and strategic planning, we ensure that our clients achieve and maintain a preferred position in their market.


Mediacommerce is more than a marketing strategy; it is an integrated approach that helps companies reach their full growth potential. By balancing demand generation and demand conversion, and thereby properly combining branding and performance marketing, Mediacommerce ensures sustainable growth and maximum ROI. STROOM is ready to help, break through the growth ceiling and take the brand to new heights with Mediacommerce. Together we realize the business goals and ensure lasting success.

Want to know more about mediacommerce or any of our other services?

Contact Samantha Catsburg (CEO) or Lars Vink (CCO)
