"Satisfied employees make for satisfied customers."

Samantha Catsburg

Samantha Catsburg works as Managing Director at media agency STROOM. In practice, this means that she first provides enthusiastic, knowledgeable and ambitious colleagues and then very satisfied clients. In this interview, she talks about how she manages that and about the speed at which media has evolved over the last ten [....]

The end of personalized targeting: what are the implications for advertisers?

In late March 2023, it was announced that Meta (owner of Facebook and Instagram) is going to give users the ability to opt out of personalized ads. This will affect campaigns on these platforms. This is part of a broader trend: the move toward privacy by default. Consumers will have control over the data that [...]

Solar plan chooses STROOM

Solar panel supplier Solar Plan has chosen to place its media activities with media agency STROOM, Energy for Growth. The first above-the-line campaign started last month. Solar Plan is a technology-based energy company. The company has equipped more than 100,000 homes with solar panels since 2012, making them the market leader. Their innovative approach has made them [...]

STROOM On TV: The Barometer on RTL-Z

RTL Z visited STROOM in Rotterdam to record an item for the TV program ''de Barometer''. In the item, Samantha Catsburg (Agency Lead Rotterdam), Willem-Jan Nouwens (Agency Lead Amsterdam) and Martijn Jaartsveld (Strategy Director) talk about the vision and working method of the new STROOM.

New Hero Cassis campaign: The Refrigerator Check Weeks

Hero Cassis Refrigerator Check Weeks, episode 1

Last year, Hero Cassis launched a new brand campaign with the payoff: 'deliciously original'. Hero wants to encourage the Netherlands to make an original choice for the soft drink shelf and thus put Hero Cassis in the refrigerator more often. This year, we are expanding the campaign further. In collaboration with brand experience agency Raúl & Riguel, STROOM developed [...]

Spin Master launches new video platform for Bakugan

Declining viewing time and the disappearance of TV channels aimed at kids led to an innovative collaboration in which Spin Master is launching its own video platform for Bakugan Season 4 in partnership with Azerion. The goal of the collaboration is to increase traffic to Bakugan content and thereby increase brand awareness among the target audience of boys 6-12 [...]

Can you grow as a brand without TV?

Relatively young "online" brands like My Jewellery, Mr. Marvis and Gorillas regularly advertise on TV. And for good reason. Ebiquity research shows that TV is still the most superior medium when it comes to reach and achieving growth (both on brand awareness and sales). But the TV market is under [...]

Adformatie Media Report 2021: 3x price for STROOM

Adformatie Media Report

STROOM wins best media agency in the categories: "Most Customer-Focused" and "Highest Rating from Advertisers." This also brings STROOM in at spot No. 6 in Adformatie's national top 10 Media consultancies. We are enormously proud and grateful at the same time: because STROOM 's new direction is successful, but above all that our combined media and [...]