Video On Demand Advertising: wat zijn de kansen en mogelijkheden?
De opkomst van streamingdiensten heeft de manier waarop mensen media consumeren drastisch veranderd. Er gaat momenteel veel aandacht gaat naar Subscription Video on Demand (SVOD): dit zijn platformen met een abonnement-structuur zoals Netflix, HBO Max en Disney+. Maar Advertising Video on Demand (AVOD) wint ook steeds meer terrein. AVOD biedt kijkers gratis of tegen gereduceerd […]
Het veranderende medialandschap: Print vs online media, waar zit de kwaliteit?
In de dynamische wereld van media ondergaan de traditionele media voortdurend een evolutionair proces. Hoewel on- en offline vormen hun eigen unieke voordelen en uitdagingen hebben, is de manier waarop ze zich tot elkaar verhouden belangrijk voor adverteerders bij het bepalen van hun communicatie en/of mediastrategie. In dit artikel gaan we dieper in op de […]
Closed User Groups: Een extra marketingkanaal voor D2C webshops
Een Closed User Group (CUG) is een besloten groep klanten, bedrijven of ondernemers die toegang hebben tot een unieke online omgeving op basis van lidmaatschap. Denk daarbij aan groepen die worden gevormd binnen loyaliteitsplatforms en enkel toegankelijk zijn achter een inlog. Bijvoorbeeld ledenvoordeelportals, personeelsverenigingen van KPN of Accenture en het FNV Ledenvoordeel. Deze groepen zijn […]
From theory to practice: Students step into the world of media
At STROOM , we value supporting students in their development. Therefore, we actively promote internships, open days and other initiatives that enthuse the new generation for a career as a media specialist or consultant. On October 10, it was that time again: the first-year communication students of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences came to [....]
STROOM & Validators Event Great Success
Marc Oosterhout and Peeter Verlegh spoke about communication as a driver of growth. Energy for growth The event organized by STROOM and Validators focused on the role of strategic communication as a driver of growth. Lars Vink, CCO of STROOM, acted as chairman of the day and opened the day together with Validators CEO Martin Leeflang. They talked about the importance [...]
The Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra now a client of STROOM
The Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, a world leader for 135 years, chose STROOM to help them with the demand of strengthening the brand and improving its image outside the fan base. Overall media strategy, planning and appropriate sourcing through the expertise of STROOM should help. The Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra believes that [...]
STROOM introduces Mediacommerce
What is Mediacommerce? Mediacommerce is a custom solution developed by STROOM to break through our clients' growth ceiling. Our unique data-driven approach makes media investments fully accountable, with business results leading the way. With Mediacommerce , we combine performance marketing and branding to strike an optimal balance between short-term results and long-term growth. The [...]
Quarterly update
Last quarter there were again plenty of interesting developments in the media landscape. For example, we signal positive developments in the economy and media spending. High viewing figures were achieved on TV by Sports Summer, but 'B&B Vol Liefde' was also a hit (again). Meanwhile, audio consumption remains up, Instagram is testing unskippable ads and we bring in [...]
Daan's internship at STROOM helped him discover his preference for media: "it gave me the direction I couldn't find before."
Choosing to do two internships at the same agency; that's dedication to your goal of growing further in the wonderful world of Research & Insights. Daan Stuijvenberg did it at STROOM. Although his work varied per project, he mainly put in for target group and competitive analysis. "Different tools are used to extract data [...]
STROOM introduces: Shabirah Nakyomu
We like to introduce our colleagues to you. In this interview we introduce to you Shabirah, Office Manager in Amsterdam. Who are you?My name is Shabirah Nakyomu, I am from Uganda and I have been living in the Netherlands for 10 years. How do you fulfill your function at STROOM?As office manager, I fulfill a crucial role [...]