Alliander: 'The energy transition is impossible. Without you.'


Awareness campaign with the goal of creating a preferred position for Alliander as an employer, thereby filling the expected substantial increases in job openings.


The broad target group consists of men and women between the ages of 18 and 55. The "younger" part of the target group falls between the ages of 18 and 35.

Brand Description

Unknown makes unloved. The target audience will have to get to know Alliander first and also have a positive association with the brand before they will consider applying. Byron Sharp describes this dilemma as the Double Jeopardy Law. The relatively smaller brands are less known, have fewer customers and are also less loyal. So Alliander must first increase its prominence within the target audience before it will be considered at all.




We are increasing awareness of Alliander among the general public by challenging them. 11 million homes off natural gas, 9 million cars on charging stations, making industry carbon-neutral. All impossible. Without you. Because the vacancies at Alliander need to be filled. This concept was created in collaboration with creative agency Kaliber and digital agency Positive.

Media & resource strategy

The starting point is "Target the market." Growth comes (also) from reaching non- and light users, and so a broadening of the target group is desirable. The media mix is geared to achieving a broad, mass media reach. We reach the general public through radio and freeway masts, among other things.

both inside and outside the catchment area. In a mainly male-oriented sector, it is precisely important that we also reach the female target group. We approached this target group, among other things, by entering into a unique collaboration with Chantal Janzen's platform, &C. Because labor market communication through these titles is not a very logical choice at first, but therefore extra striking because of the subject matter. The need of the target group is leading and goes before a traditional segmentation.

Looking at future generations, who will have to further manage the energy transition, we are also active among today's students. Partly by being visible within student houses, we are approaching a whole new group of potential trainees.


The campaign effect measurement, conducted by Markteffect, shows significant differences in name and content awareness, plus an image uplift among the target audience that interacted with the campaign.

The campaign has also had a positive effect among the target audience. For example, the search behavior for Alliander has increased significantly. The signals from Alliander's recruitment department about the substantial increase in applications are obviously positive.

The overall positive feedback the campaign is getting is incredibly nice to see: both internally and externally. Internal stakeholders are responding well to campaign. People are positive about what this movement sets in motion.

The first step has been taken, on to the next phase in this beautiful project.


Media agency STROOM

Advertising agency Kaliber Interactive

Market research agency Candid Research & Insights / Markteffect