Diabetes Fund: How corporate campaigns and theme campaigns reinforce each other

The Diabetes Fund works hard to prevent and cure diabetes. They do this through scientific research and education. The Diabetes Fund is committed to a healthy life without daily worries about diabetes and complications.

For over ten years, the Diabetes Fund has been working with STROOM on its marketing communications plans and media campaigns. In an ever-growing (medical) charity market, it is important that the Diabetes Fund knows how to distinguish itself from its competitors and evoke the right associations among its target audience.

Diabetes Fund has many different marketing themes and communication projects. These are incorporated into a corporate brand campaign and into various themed campaigns such as The Sugar Challenge, New York Mini Marathon and the Collection Week. STROOM works here with an umbrella strategy in which the corporate campaign is the basis of the overall visibility. The various theme campaigns then fit in with the corporate campaign so that the entirety of the marketing communication activities reinforce each other on the core objectives of brand awareness and fundraising.


The objective of the corporate campaign is on the one hand to grow spontaneous brand awareness among the broad 18+ target group in the Netherlands. On the other hand, to continue to encourage the Fund's most important giving target group; women 45+ to donate to the Diabetes Fund. In addition to these top-brand funnel objectives, it is important to score well on brand consideration deeper in the funnel. We set this course in quarter two of 2020 and continued to measure this through quarter two of 2021.

Therefore, in media strategy, planning and buying, we focus on brand salience with the goal of growing in consideration. The key question here is: how do we increase the likelihood that the target audience will think of the Diabetes Fund when they think of a charity and want to donate to it?


The core of the media plan was to find a balance between, on the one hand, achieving long-term visibility and high reach with many contacts. On the other hand, it was very important that the 2020 campaign stood out with a strong creative concept. So that recognition could be built up quickly. By working with several striking elements in the creatives such as main character Bloem and the recognizable mantra: "prick, measure, syringe, eat", the campaign was stored faster in the minds of the target group. In addition to TV and radio, the creative was also reflected in all paid online and owned channels of Diabetes Fonds, increasing the recognizability of the campaign as a whole.

The long-term strategy was shaped by the use of TV, radio, leaflets and a branded content partnership with DPG. The themed campaigns consisted of branded content partnerships, leaflets and radio. These had connections to the corporate flights where ATL media such as TV and radio were deployed. This worked like a well-oiled machine with the corporate campaign acting as the driver of the themed campaigns. This increased brand awareness and the number of subscriptions & donations.


One of the key results with the theme campaign was on the KPI ''reading time.'' In other words, the attention the target audience pays to your message. The result of the branded partnership with DPG was a high read time on Diabetes Fund content. The benchmark around branded articles is around 30 seconds and the average read time at Diabetes Fonds was over 60 seconds. In addition, of the over 120,000 articles read, almost 10,000 clicks were generated, 26% of which then converted to a subscription/donation. A great result which is partly due to the high visibility, 89% 1+ reach and the number of contacts, on average 11, that were realized during the corporate campaign flights.


Thanks to the brand impact measurements that STROOM set up in cooperation with research firm Validators, it became clear that the campaign scored well especially on the brand awareness targets. Thus, the spontaneous brand awareness target was achieved with a growth of almost 28.5%. In addition, helped brand awareness also increased by 30% and consideration by 38%. These results are well explained because the mantra; "prick, measure, inject, eat," resonated well with the target audience. In fact, this mantra was literally echoed in the surveys.


In Diabetes Fund's marketing communications issue, a good creative concept was at the heart of an impactful campaign. To ensure that the overall marketing activities also realized the required impact, an appropriate media strategy was essential to achieve the goals.

We had a great year with good results, with STROOM acting as director in the triangle between brand, advertising agency and media agency. In 2021 we will continue to build on the strong brand: Diabetes Fund!