SIRE (Stichting Ideële Reclame) and GGN (debt collection agency) won a SAN accent. SIRE won prizes for its "Death Eaters" campaign and GGN for its "Social Debt Collection Delivers More" campaign.
SIRE's Death Doers campaign has succeeded in making death a topic of conversation. The call not to talk about death is painfully recognizable. A sensitive chord is struck with the stories. After seeing the campaign, people are more aware that talking about death brings you closer together, they feel a deeper connection. The relationship with their loved ones becomes closer. Death has really come alive as a topic of conversation.
Samantha Catsburg, MD: "We at STROOM have been working for SIRE for many years, and in cooperation with the media partners were able to put together an effective and highly visible campaignA difficult subject this time, but no less important for that. Death: talk about it, not over it. Congratulations to all partners in media and creation!"
GGN wants to elevate social debt collection to the new norm and convince clients that it also leads to a higher payment rate. However, awareness of GGN's social method is lacking.
To tell the diversity of stories surrounding "Social Debt Collection Delivers," a 10+10 second commercial was used on television. The viewer was thus confronted with several stories in one commercial break. Several commercials were also used alternately on radio to emphasize the diversity of stories.
Campaigns are developed in a triangle of client, advertising and media agency. So of course we also congratulate GGN's advertising agency Joe Public and SIRE's Selmore, thanks for the great creative work! During a festive evening the awards were presented in Studio21 in Hilversum, STROOM finds the quality of marketing communications important and is therefore co-sponsor of the SAN.