STROOM grow further

STROOM continues to grow and we welcome our new Project Management intern: Rama Salami. She is happy to introduce herself to you!

Who are you?

I am Rama Salami, 26 years old and I have been living in Rotterdam for five years now. I am studying Cross-media Communication at the Hogeschool Rotterdam. As part of my graduation project, I am doing a four-month internship as a project manager at STROOM.

How do you fill your position at STROOM?

At STROOM , under the guidance of consultants and specialists, I will create campaigns and projects in a project management tool called Teamleader Orbit. I also support media schedules and ensure streamlined administration.

What did you do for this?

For this I got my NT2 diploma, which is the State Exam for Dutch as a second language. Then I did a year of Human Resource Management at the Hogeschool Rotterdam, but that was not for me. Eventually I decided to change my studies. I started Cross-media Communication in September 2019 and I am currently working on graduation. For my graduation project, I am going to research employer branding for senior and director positions within STROOM.

What are your growth aspirations?

I am curious and always open to learn new things, during my internship I therefore want to learn everything about communication such as how to efficiently manage projects and use this to support the team. Once I graduate this year I hope to find a nice job in communications.

What energizes you in your work?

I get energized when I can see the results of my work. Like planning efficiently, and getting the administration in order.

What do you get energy from in your free time?

I get energy from hiking with my family in nature, or being at home with a crochet project and a fun stand-up comedy show by Ricky Gervais.

What can people wake you up at night for?

A nice fresh cup of coffee

The only constant in life is change

Rama's favorite quote