The beauty of working in the communications industry is that you get to deal with many influences, trends, research, opinions and ideas on a daily basis. That's what keeps our profession exciting, interesting and challenging. Then the beauty of strategy is that you can combine all those elements into an optimal and powerful stroom (no pun intended:-).
Take scientist Daniel Kahneman who won the Nobel Prize in Economics as a psychologist. Unique, of course. His insights about message processing in our brain by System 1: based on feeling, emotion, the subconscious and System 2: underpinned by reason, facts, evidence. They help us further in the development of communication, creation, but certainly also media.
His scientific research showed that 95% (!!!) of the decisions we make are based on System 1. When we stand in front of the supermarket shelf, in line at the gas pump, where to go on vacation, which kitchen to remodel: feeling and emotion let us make the decision. (And indeed, the reverse is also true: we keep confirming our decisions with facts that help us do so. We ignore the conflicting signals)
So our attitude regarding communication expressions and media types play a role here. The feeling, the subconscious is just clearly in control.
Still strange that then so many communications are still tremendously rational: creation around a USP (Unique Selling Point) and neatly substantiated with 3 or 4 pieces of evidence.
Because that's what came out of the concept test. The TV commercial based on creation and emotion told a special story (System 1). Then the qualitative focus group was presented with about 20 statements to be filled in with "completely agree" to "completely disagree" (System 2). But no one paid attention to the respondent's smile at the first viewing of the TVC, no one saw how he bowed forward amusedly for a moment (System1). Before he ticked "agree" after long consideration.....
In media strategy and planning you rarely see a difference between media type choice obv System 1 and 2. They both require very different media types and creations, so if we park reach and contact frequency based on budget (im)possibilities for a moment:
System 1 is all about speed, emotional and brand message, long-term brand preference.
So then you're more in broad audience targeting, forced exposure, multiple contacts. In short: TV, radio, Online Video.
System 2 goes slow, rational and product message, short-term activation (conversion).
That goes toward specific audience targeting, media for short-term/action communications, direct response options: clear CTAs. Think about: DRTV (direct response television), online/social display, SEA and good old email
At STROOM , we look at media opportunities partly with this psychological cap. Where we also consider the objectives: branding or performance?
The key to success is to combine those findings of media and creation and place them in the right channel with the right pressure. Following the time-honored adage: the right message, to the right audience, through the right media, at the right price.
Martijn Jaartsveld is Strategy Director at media agency STROOM.
This is a forwarded article from his column for FONK.