Mobile not a separate part of your digital strategy

Last Thursday, Stroom hosted the2nd lunch session of 2018. The theme was the object we are all now fused with, "mobile." And when we say everyone, we really mean everyone.

The mobile revolution has penetrated all target groups. Even grandparents now 'just' own a cell phone and make full use of it. Reason enough to tell our clients about the latest trends, developments and possibilities with this device.

Rutger from Stroom

Rutger indicated in his presentation that mobile should not be a stand-alone part of your digital strategy. If you run a digital campaign, mobile is actually already woven into it. For example, a Facebook campaign is delivered on all devices by default unless you specify otherwise. When you then consider that over 80% of Facebook users are on mobile and Instagram (part of Facebook) is even completely mobile, it becomes clear that digital cannot be seen separately from mobile.

However, mobile does offer a number of specific advantages, so mobile can still have its own place in the strategy. One of these options is very accurate geo-targeting, which allows you to reach target groups in a targeted way. Think of a festival site or high schools to reach students, as we have previously done for Hogeschool Inholland.

So even though mobile should be a standard part of the digital strategy, there are things to keep in mind when creating. Simply put: make it visual, don't make the files too heavy and most importantly, keep it short!

Gert Jaap of

Next, Gert Jaap Hoekman, editor-in-chief of took the floor. As editor-in-chief of the largest news platform in the Netherlands, he knows better than anyone how important mobile is. The app is unprecedentedly popular and is installed on millions of cell phones. An interview with Gert Jaap will follow later.

First, check out the atmospheric impression: