Ads on LinkedIn are in demand. Only 1% of all LinkedIn users experience the ads as irritating, where on Facebook this is 45%. LinkedIn users want something different, not cat videos but inspirational cases and content with knowledge transfer. Advertising on LinkedIn is not irritating, read here how to make it a success:
LinkedIn users have a professional mindset
Users of LinkedIn have different information needs than on Facebook. As the figures below show, people on LinkedIn are looking for professional content relevant to their careers. They want to get better at what they do and are open to content that can help develop their skills.
The most important reason for LinkedIn users to interact with content is that it is relevant, informative and inspiring. We experience this ourselves in campaigns aimed at business decision makers, click rates and engagement are 5 to 9 times higher on LinkedIn than on Facebook or Twitter.
Therefore, make sure your content meets that professional need and shows that your product or service can solve their problems. By doing so, you can build trust and engagement which can ultimately influence the target audience's brand preference.
People trust content on LinkedIn
Another reason to prefer LinkedIn over Facebook in a b-2-b campaign is the high level of trust users have in the business social network. In times of "fake news," consumer trust in online media is under pressure. Research from Business Insider shows that people trust content on LinkedIn much more than Facebook and Twitter ánd trust it about as much as reputable news sites like
According to LinkedIn, the chance of "fake news" on LinkedIn is also low because ads are controlled by people and users think very carefully about what they share and what effect it has on their professional identity. As a result, they trust content on LinkedIn more than on other social media. This is also reflected in Business Insider's Intelligence's Digital Trust survey. 55% think they are least likely to see "fake news" on LinkedIn, while only 17% say that about Facebook. In addition, only 1% find ads on LinkedIn irritating compared to 45% on Facebook.
Here's how to realize leads with LinkedIn
So focusing on the professional needs of your target audience is important for a good campaign, but there are two more factors that will ensure you can achieve more website traffic and leads with LinkedIn.
1. Branding helps conversion
You can use LinkedIn for two purposes: 1) branding & awareness, 2) acquiring new customers.
Although they are two completely different goals, the combination appears to yield better conversion results. Companies focusing solely on acquisition have an average conversion rate of 0.2%. When combined with branding, this rises to 1.2%. So showing who you are and what you do is important to actually achieve leads and sales via LinkedIn. This allows you to develop into a trusted advisor and build a relationship with your target audience. Successful campaigns therefore possess the power of repetition. After all, business decision makers need an average of 10 contacts with your brand before they take action.
2.'The visual is the new headline'
Even for business audiences, images are more important than text. After all, people are visually oriented and process images 60,000 times faster than text. In addition, a short message where you address the target audience directly and offer a solution to their problems works best. By targeting your audience, you can boost your CTR by more than 50%. In addition, make sure your content is mobile-ready because 80% of clicks come from mobile devices.
Want to learn more about how to use LinkedIn for your campaigns? Then send us a message on LinkedIn. Of course, emailing and calling is still allowed too!